What is the climate of Peru like?

What is the climate of Peru like?

There are several factors that affect the climate of Peru, on the one hand, there is the cold Humboldt current, on the other hand, there is the Amazon forest, and in the middle, there is the Andes mountain range. Among these factors is also the location of Peru with respect to the Earth’s equator.

Due to these factors, it is important to be prepared for any climate in Peru, of course, with respect to the area in which you are, because in this country, you will find the warm climate of the coast in the middle of dunes and deserts, a cold that is your own. of the highest mountains and also a tropical climate in the jungle

In general we can divide the climate of Peru according to these three natural regions:

  • The climate on the Coast: The Peruvian coast is made up almost entirely of an extensive arid desert, reaching 500 meters above sea level. The climate in this region is usually warm and humid, precipitation is not so frequent due to the cold current of Humboldt and it is due to this reason that the coast in winter presents intense fog and very short drizzles in the central areas; However, it is rare for the cold to drop below 12 degrees Celsius.
  • The northern coast: This area has a warmer climate than the other areas of the coast, reaching about 23-25 °C during the day and about 16 °C at night, its winters are usually quite warm and dry, too. It has the presence of winds due to the presence of the cold Humboldt Current
  • North coast regions: Tumbes, Piura, Lambayeque and La Libertad
  • The central coast: This area has a lack of rain throughout the year, although it does not have an extremely hot climate, nor is it extremely cold, during the summer its temperature ranges between 26 and 28 °C and during the nights up to 19 and 20 °C, in winter the humidity is quite high, there is little sun and an average temperature between 13 and 19 °C
  • Central coast regions: Lima
  • The south coast: This area is less humid and with greater radiation compared to the previous ones, in summer the temperature reaches 28 °C and during winter it remains at about 22 °C during the day and drops to about 8 and 10 °C.
  • Central coast regions: Ica, Moquegua and Tacna
  • The climate in the mountains: The Peruvian mountains, in general, only have two seasons throughout the year, the dry season, characterized by very sunny days and quite cold nights, and the rainy season, which would be the summer season in the saw.

The mountains are unpredictable, as it is important to be prepared to face temperatures from 24 °C during the day and -3 °C at night.

  • Warm floor: (1,000 to 2,000 meters above sea level): It has an arid climate and abundant rainfall in summer.
    Temperate floor: (2,000 to 3,500 meters above sea level): With an average temperature between 10 to 16 °C.
    • Cold temperate floor: (3,500 to 4,000 meters above sea level): The average temperature is between 7 and 10 °C.
    • Cold floor: (4,000 R 5,000 masl): The average annual temperature is higher than about 3 °C and lower than 6 °C.
    • Very Cold Floor: (5,000 to 6,746 meters above sea level): Its temperature can be compared with those of peripheral polar areas.
  • The climate in the jungle: The climate in the Peruvian jungle consists of a rainforest, abundant vegetation, extensive forests and a humid tropical climate. In Peru the jungle is divided into two zones:
  • High Jungle: This is also called the jungle eyebrow and is located in the eastern foothills of the Peruvian Andes, it has a variable climate due to its location and has a temperate climate, typical of the influence of the Andes • Low Jungle
    : Commonly Called the Amazon plain, it is an extensive plain with a humid tropical climate and a large amount of rain.

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